There are many ways to get involved both attending and volunteering to help you feel you belong to the Hope family. Check out what’s available and get in touch. We’d love to have a chat!

Hope Children

Hope Youth

Hope Friends

Additional Needs

Hope Life Groups

Hope 4:14 groups

Hope Alpha


Hope Children
Hope Church is a place where children can come and find out about Jesus and have fun at the same time. Every child is precious and special in God’s eyes and every child will be made to feel very welcome and loved. They are children of hope.
Hope Children is for primary-aged children.

Hope Youth
Hope Youth
Hope church offers a couple of youth groups for different ages. On Friday evenings from 7:00pm – 8:30pm we welcome year 10+. The group is a chilled time sharing food and talking about Jesus!
On Sunday mornings during church we have a fun group for years 7-9 where we will play games and hear from the Bible!
On every last Friday of the month we have a big youth social where both groups come together, hanging out and play games.
Other areas we incorporate are all age services once a month, SPREE South West Youth Camp for young people aged between 8 and 17, Devon Christian Youth Camps (DCYC) a range of camping events spread over the summer holidays followed by family camp at the end of August.
Hope Friends
Hope Friends aims to provide a caring and varied ministry to meet the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of those of retirement age, although everyone is welcome! We meet on Thursday afternoons between 2.30 pm and 4.00 pm with freshly made refreshments by young people from the local senior school. We have a varied programme including games, exercise, story telling and much more. Come and join us, make new friends and have fun.

Additional Needs
At Hope Church we want everyone to feel welcome, modelling what Jesus did and taught, by being inclusive in gatherings and overall ministries and activities across the life of our Hope family.
We have designed the Hope Centre to be as accessible and inclusive as possible with level access across the ground floor and a lift to the first floor. The main entrance doors are automatic and all doors are wide enough for wheelchair access. We have disabled washroom facilities and the ability to adjust lights in most rooms. We currently have temporary audio visual equipment in the Auditorium, which includes a hearing loop. As funds allow this this will be upgraded, including blinds and additional monitors for those with visual impairment. We try to make the content during our gatherings suitable for a wide range of attendees.
If you have any ideas for adjustments that will enable people to more fully participate please let us know by speaking with the Connection Team, Centre or Office Management.
Hope Life Groups
Lifegroups are one of our many discipleship environments where we aim to be “more people more like Jesus, in more places”. They usually meet in people’s homes weekly or fortnightly and at different times of the day with food and open times of sharing. We aim to look at our everyday living and apply Biblical truths, pray together and offer practical support and friendship.

Hope 4:14 Groups
Hope 4:14 Groups are community-located subsets of Hope Church aimed at personal spiritual growth and Kingdom multiplication for those who are new to or open to the Good News of Jesus. Our desire is for all involved to experience ‘living water bubbling from within them’ (John 4:14). Hope 4:14 Groups start with a minimum of 4 people (2 leaders and 2 apprentice leaders) and will multiply when the group reaches 14 people.

On-line Alpha
Hope Alpha
- Ever wondered if there is more to life?
- Do you really know what the Christian faith is?
- Have you ever had chance to discuss and debate matters to do with faith without feeling pressured, judged or preached at?
What’s Alpha?
Alpha is a free course designed to provide a safe space for you to discuss the big questions of life and better understand the Christian faith. It has been created to emphasise the essentials that all Christian denominations agree on. These days the media creates an often negative and inaccurate view on what Christianity is. Why don’t you come and explore the true basics of our faith and decide for yourself?
On-line Alpha
CAP Teignbridge Debt Centre
We provide free debt help to those struggling with unmanageable debt, along with practical and emotional support, and to show people that there is Always Hope. We meet clients in their homes, with the support of a network of befrienders from local churches. Many of our clients suffer with mental health and physical health problems, which are often the cause of getting into debt. We receive referrals from social prescribers, Citizen’s Advice, Job Centres and food banks.
CAP Teignbridge relies solely on the generous financial support of local churches and individuals to help run this service.
We are in real need of more befrienders at present. If you are a good listener and have 2 hours available each month, please get in touch with Tim on the email below.
If you feel led to support CAP Teignbridge, practically or financially, please do get in touch via the details below. Thank you.
Debt Centre Manager: Tim Wigley
Please donate via our church treasurer, Alan Rudall or direct to:
CAP Teignbridge CIC
Acc No. 65892554
Sort Code 08-92-99
Ref: your name
Thank you so much for your support.
To book your free appointment, please call 0800 328 0006 or visit

On-line Alpha
ROC Dawlish
ROC Dawlish is a small local charity that’s part of a national network (Redeeming Our Communities) pioneering social transformation across the UK. We work through collaboration with other local public agencies, businesses, churches and voluntary sector organisations to make help Dawlish a safer, kinder community.
ROC Dawlish School and Family Mentoring –
The ROC Dawlish School and Family Mentoring program is an educative and pastoral support program, working with community and alternative provision schools within the district of Dawlish. It is being led by Adam Gidney and it provides Christian assemblies, after school clubs, RE / ethos curriculum support, pastoral and mentoring programs, whilst providing ways to bridge the gap between school and community. It is gospel focused at its core, and tasked with bringing Christ to Dawlish’s young people.
Adam Gidney bio –
Adam is the local ROC Dawlish School and Family Mentor Coordinator. He is a member of Hope Church and a trained theologian. He also is employed as an NHS chaplain at Langdon hospital and has a diaconal heart for the community of Dawlish. He is married with three children and supports the Hope family by leading worship.